
Pocket Bishonen
my alter ego
sacred cave
82% untelligent

02/28/2007 - lj
12/07/2005 - moved.
07/20/2003 - legally gay 2
04/12/2003 - be my light in the gloom
04/07/2003 - the best entry i have ever written in my entire life

scathing words [john's blog]
dirty shirt designs
marilyn monroe ::?::
dland god/des
poti reviews

::Inner Demons::
new orleans pictures
dirtyshirt dezines

01/14/2002| 10:21 am
you think you know but you have no idea
The current mood of Nikolai at www.imood.com
You (Shanna)
What does your name mean?: beautiful/wise one
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): hrm...3 :D
Describe yourself in 5 words: female, (from chibi-john--->)funny, cute, buxom, texan
What are your worst qualities: i am too bitchy sometimes, i'm indecisive on the inside
What are your best qualities: that i'm me
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: it depends on where i'm going and how tired i am

Do you dream at night?: duh everyone does
Do you remember your dreams?: sometimes
Describe one: last week i had a dream i was in the army and i went around flexing my legs at everyone because i had uberbuff leg muscles
What time do you wake on weekends?: depends on what time i went to bed...usually 12 hours after
Do you sleep with one pillow or two?: um 4, sometimes 6

Do you like school? sometimes
What's your fave subject?: art they won't let me take art here
Most hated subject?: ugh, psychology
Do you have a fave teacher?: my chinese ta
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: yes my cute ta from philosophy - he looked like a young sexy kenneth branagh

Do you have heaps of friends?: not really
Do you have a best friend?: 2 in fact
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: about even
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend?: occassionally
Have you ever lied to a friend?: i lie to everyone
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend?: no but i have broken people up before, but then i got them back together - i decided he was not worth it

Do you like your parents?: yes, my dad can be ass though sometimes
Ever run away from home?: um no not really
Ever thought about it?: yes
Do you have any siblings?: 2 half siblings, 1 adopted
Do you feel your parents spoil you?: hells yes
Do you have big family get togethers ever?: at holidays

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: a boyfriend
If so, are you in love with them?: yes
Do they love you?: yep
How long have you been together?: over 2 months
Ever done something stupid to impress them?:
no pfft
Have you ever experienced unrequited love?: yes. hrmph
Do you find it romantic or hurtful?: hurtful

Ever had sex?: yes
Do you believe that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage?: maybe maybe not
Believe in casual sex?: no
When do you plan to/when did you lose your virginity?: ha. at 21
Did you regret it?: i will say no for now

Do you have a religion?: yes
Do you practice it i.e go to church?: it doesn't require church going
Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you believe in Jesus?: yes
Do you believe in Satan?: yes
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you believe in Hell?: yes

Have you ever been drunk?: yes
Taken drugs?: yes...if you count pot & shrooms
Stolen?: yes...sort of
Shoplifted?: yes
Tried to commit suicide?: no..thought about it
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend?: er yes
Gotten into a fight?: yes
Are you more innocent or guilty?: innocent of course ^_^
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict?: no unless you count miriam the pothead
Are you racist?: no
Are you discriminatory to anyone?: stupid people and the people who walk slow on campus/the bus
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings?: open

Whats your fave style of music?: southern rock
Do you play an instrument?: i play at guitar
Do you sing?: a little
Whats your fave band?: skynyrd. shut up.
Why?: i've seen them in concert 3 or 4 times. uber talented. i love the long guitar solos and dude.
Have you met them before?: no
Name 3 cds that you've bought in the last year: um a blues thing that had 4 whole albums from 4 different blues artists, eve:scorpion, moby:play, linkin park: hybrid theory
Why did you buy them?: because i liked more than one song on each album (for the last three) and wanted to hear more of their music...i think the blues cd is self-explanatory
Are you funny or serious?: yes
Creative or not?: creative i think
Logical thinker or lateral thinker?: a lil of both. logical mostly i think
Are you outgoing or shy?: shy
Are you lazy or active?: lazy
Have you ever been hyperactive?: um only on lots of caffeine
Are you a naturally hyperactive person?: no

Are you happy with the way you look?: mostly
What would you change?: my overly fatness-i'm okay with chubby...i liked chubby...now i'm just fat, my hair colour, oh and for my nose to be uncrooked since it was broken
Do you wear makeup regularly?: no
Do you have a large wardrobe?: yeah i guess

Embarassing moments
Your all time most embarassing moment?: no comment
Ever snorted a drink out your nose?: no
Ever giggled like an idiot?: yes all the time
Ever embarassed yourself and pretended nothing happened?: all the time
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked?: yes
Ever said something really stupid?: yes
Ever snorted while laughing?: yes
Ever fallen off a bed?: yes
Ever sleepwalked?: no
Ever sleeptalked?: yes

Whats your best memory?:doing things that make me go really fast and the wind blows through my hair like skiing skating and driving...i love those memories
Worst?: anytime a relative has died...remembering what a dead body looks like
Do you have a good memory?: no

Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you?: yes
Whats the first thought that comes to your head when you hear these names?
Melissa: bitch
Bob: asshole
Vanessa: slutty bitch
Alyssa: whore
Jess: weird weird girl
Brian: boring
Charlie: creepy
Olivia: the young and the restless
Drew: carey
Lily: my best friend in preschool
Anita: poor

before & after