
Pocket Bishonen
my alter ego
sacred cave
82% untelligent

02/28/2007 - lj
12/07/2005 - moved.
07/20/2003 - legally gay 2
04/12/2003 - be my light in the gloom
04/07/2003 - the best entry i have ever written in my entire life

scathing words [john's blog]
dirty shirt designs
marilyn monroe ::?::
dland god/des
poti reviews

::Inner Demons::
new orleans pictures
dirtyshirt dezines

2001-04-25| 2:50 a.m.
Why God hates me & other inspirational tales
The current mood of Nikolai at www.imood.com
do you remember some of the clothes brands that were popular back in the day? like whatever happened to yaga? oh well.

i'm feeling much better since earlier this afternoon. I finally went back to my house - ate my first meal of the day around 530 pm & took some headache begone drugs. when i get migraines it stresses me out & makes me feel icky & therefore turns me into an evil bitch monster. but don't misunderstand - i'm *not* apologizing for being bitchy - i just thought i'd explain *why* i was. All those things on the list really piss me off, but that's different story for a different day.

I have my final presentation to do in 13 hours. i need to finish the paper & everything by 2 so that leaves 11 hours for that. plus i have to get dr coker the misogynistic bastard to sign my q drop form. i hope to god he signs it as a q drop. if not i get an f either way. god i'm fucked. i am really starting to hate this college thing. grrr. Oh & my ta decided not to have office hours today but to not tell anyone about that. so i all go to her office hours today to discuss my project only to discover she's not there. BITCH! so me & this other girl in my class waited for her but she never showed up. turns out me & the girl are interested in taking similar classes & have the same major/minor & both of our gpas suck big monkey cock. i've always hated this whole gpa thing. i came to school to learn not to be in some dumb contest. so the most busy work & you get a prize. yay! i'm all for the schools that don't give out grades. either that or all my teachers need to switch to essay tests because those are the only tests i can pass. most multiple guess tests i get Cs. what happened? when i was in normal school (not college) i made great grades with minimal effort - now i work my ass off to make Cs. double GRRR.

i went to mojos the coffee house today to play chess with miriam & michael. i'm getting a lot better at it. i only lost one out of the 3 games i played but it doesn't count b/c it was the first game & everyone knows the first game is the warm-up game ;) after dat we went & smoked some pot. then we watched the max. man that movie is fucked up. it messes with your brain. walking home i had a running reflective commentary. time would pass as eyes closed - when i opened them once again it was much later. i closed them for the what seemed to be forever - to find only 60 seconds had passed when i opened them once more... yeah exactly.

i am exhausted as always. DAMNIT WHY CAN'T I EVER SLEEP! i haven't been able to sleep since laura moved out of the room. incidentily - i've only had one other problem with demons in my room since she left & i think that was just a nightmare. i think she has demons following her. especially after some of the stuff she told me. if all the paranormal stuff in the world is known to be bunk - there is always one thing i will always believe in and that is demons. why? because if they aren't real then i hallucinate & that's even worse.

i'm going to start carrying around one of those teeny notebooks & write down the stuff i want to put in my diary. that way when i sit here to type it all in - i can't get mad anymore cuz i forgot it instantly.

heh. don't argue with computer people about flash. they worship it as their web page design god. but i *hate* it. flash pages take too damn long to load & a score of other things i hate about it. once i was gonna get someone to do the design (html) for my diary but then i decided to not be lazy b/c i can do all the code for what i wanted done - i just had to get motivated. which i hope you can all tell that i did evetually get motivated. oh & i'm working on buttons for the text links on the top. i'd be done with them but one of them is the wrong size (it was the first one i made) but that should be up soon. unless of course you absolutely adore text. but i like the buttons. i borrowed part of the idea for them from erin's diary, but snazzed it up a bit to suit my purposes. i took small rectangles out of the nikolai picture up top & used adobe filters & then add text & sometimes background colour. they look great.

wow this is insanely long now - thanks for reading. leave me a note in my guestbook & make my day :)

yours truly,


before & after