
Pocket Bishonen
my alter ego
sacred cave
82% untelligent

02/28/2007 - lj
12/07/2005 - moved.
07/20/2003 - legally gay 2
04/12/2003 - be my light in the gloom
04/07/2003 - the best entry i have ever written in my entire life

scathing words [john's blog]
dirty shirt designs
marilyn monroe ::?::
Saying: my mom called me a bag lady because i dunpster dive. now ain't that some shit?
dland god/des
poti reviews

::Inner Demons::
new orleans pictures
dirtyshirt dezines

08/14/2002| 6:42 am
she looks so israeli
The current mood of Nikolai at www.imood.com
so monday was official move out day here at the old apartment complex. all of the noisy neighbours are gone (yay!) no more blaring music from above and beside me at 4 am anymore. moving along... the dumpsters and "yards" (the grassy area in front of the building) were laden with thrown away goodies when i got back in austin monday night. side note: i was in houston visiting suzanne(see cast page) so after much rifling we came home with the following goodies: lots of cookware - pots, pans, etc; a plate; a bowl; matted art (the frame was gone); a huge corkboard...i mean HUGE; a toaster with bagel sized slots; a milk crate; a 4 pack of charmin; half a jug of laundry detergent; full economy size thing of hand soap (you know those huge refill jugs); half a bottle of dish washing liquid; half a bottle of dishwasher soap; floor mats for outside and inside the doorway; 10 gallon reptile aquarium with heater and food bowl thing (i'm going to convert this into a rat home complete with connecty tube to lily's cage eventually so she can have a friend); 4 cinder blocks; and various assorted clothes. we saw literally close to 20 perfectly good printers thrown out. we had to cut our dumpster digging short when i was viciously attacked by fire ants (fucking bastards). that will now lead to a new paragraph completely about texas.

some of you live here and some have probably visited so you have at least a small idea about what i'm talking about. those of you who haven't - visit, texas is great, ignore all the bad stuff i am now going to say.

okay first- fire ants were created by God. (christian god) everyday i live just gives me more proof that God is evil. EVIIIIL. the ve(a?)ngeful angry God of the old testament is NOT gone - he's still here! i have this new theory that the loving kind God in the new testament is really satan. and man yo satan has got our backs. if you had a choice between staying with God or satan on a deserted island we all know we'd pick satan. God is waaay too into suffering. which brings me back to the bane of all existence - fire ants. these are some fucking nasty little buggers. i got bit about 4 times and injected with foul fire ant poison at least twice. my foot is swollen and horribly sore. it works, but it's not big on the flexibility today. therefore, fireants = suck. anything that can thrive in texas like they do is the devil(God).

this second part may or may not be slightly humourous to those with senses of humour. okay so for those who don't know in alaska they have this crap called permafrost. basically it's dirt that's frozen solid. they can't even bury dead people in the winter my alaskan cousin tells me because of this nasty shit (obviously a creaion byproduct of God). anyway in texas we have something similar. we'll call it permadry. in some parts of texas the dirt is so dry and compacted it is basically as impenetrable as permafrost. permadry is the big patches of dirt you see that look like rock with large chasmic cracks in it. that stuff in your lawn you try to water so something will grow there, but all it does is raise your water bill. permadry can be made of any dirt, but it is most often found in that crappy orange/red dirt that turns everything within 5 miles of it orange. this includes things in houses. there is no such thing as white clothes anywhere near this dirt of doom. i made the mistake of wearing white shoes to walk in it once. they're orange now. sigh.

anyway i hope that wasn't too disjointed. i took sort of a long hiatus, so i have to get back in the "i write an entertaining diary" mode again. in winsomekitty news, this diary will be getting a new look soon and i'll have some designs up on my diary dezine site too if all goes well. ignore the "days til 21" thing, etc. until then.

nikolai has a cold. *sniffle*

before & after