
Pocket Bishonen
my alter ego
sacred cave
82% untelligent

02/28/2007 - lj
12/07/2005 - moved.
07/20/2003 - legally gay 2
04/12/2003 - be my light in the gloom
04/07/2003 - the best entry i have ever written in my entire life

scathing words [john's blog]
dirty shirt designs
marilyn monroe ::?::
dland god/des
poti reviews

::Inner Demons::
new orleans pictures
dirtyshirt dezines

01/20/2003| 5:05 am
notables from this week in my lj. latest on top
The current mood of Nikolai at www.imood.com
4:59 am
the room is mostly clean cept for a few minor details- hang up some clothes and unpack from the month i spent at home. maybe i can get the webcam working and take some pics...i should have taken a few before pictures...cuz man it was baaad. erin can attest to this.

gotta clean the kitchen tomorrow.

okay so i was watching the real world vegas.....um are they living in a hotel? wtf? and what the hell is up with that irulan chick? "hi i have a boyfriend but i will still lead you on alton....oh and btw alton while i am leading you on - you had better not even look at another female or i will have your balls for lunch."

i had something else to add, but i forgot what it was.

this wasn't it but who else is going to be tuning in to the kelly osbourne dates puff daddy episode of the osbournes? i know i will.

this isn't it either but has anyone used snapfish? http://www.snapfish.com it's pretty fscking cheap and i have some film i need developed. first roll is free! woohoo!

(i forgot to post this earlier)

Sunday, January 19th, 2003

5:04 pm
i feel a little better this morning afternoon. i didn't get to sleep until 4am and then i kept waking up every 2 hours or so not able to breath through my nose.

at abour 9 i got pissed off and got up and played on the computer. then at 10 i got myself a bagel, some soy milk, and a couple tylenol allergy sinus (the best medicine EVER!) then i called my mommy and talked to her for 45 minutes. She suggested i clean with one of those painters maskeseses so maybe i will clean bandit style this evening with a bandana on my face.

"Gimme all your dust and nobody gets hurt!"

okay that was lame. i will post stuff that i am selling in here and the austin for sale communities tomorrow prolly so keep a look out for it if you are just itching to buy stuffs. i've got an optical mouse i can't use cuz i only have one usb port. it's like optical mouse or cd burner ...hmmm. not so tough decision. it was a demo mouse from circuit city - i've never tried it so it may not even work. -shrug- maybe i should try it.

i have no idea what to do with all of my books either. i have so many and no where to put them. maybe i'll just box em up until i get the bookcase i asked my dad to make me (yah right).i do have those cinder blocks and square of formica....

anywho, more cleaning for me. but first food. *sneeze*

3:00 am
cleaning status:
bathroom, computer desk area = spotless

only about 1/2 my room left and my closet to be done! woo!

so far i've got 1 kitchen trash bag and 2 of those huge black bags full of trash out of my room. i'm a slob what can i say?

gotta clean the kitchen after i finish my room.

the dust is HORRIBLE in my room. i think that's what's making me sick...seeing as how i haven't stopped sneezing since i started. my poor nose is raw from inferior tp since i have no kleenex. think i may have asthma or something. or my allergies are just that bad. having problems breathing and such. my lungs hurt. and i sound like a 50 yr old chain smoker. *drinks guava nectar to ease my throat*

gonna try and sleep now...after i clean off my bed.

Saturday, January 18th, 2003

8:51 pm
i think i am finally learning how to throw stuff away.

good riddance packratness.

p.s. it took me over an hour! just to clean my bathroom. how did i let it get this bad?

6:45 pm
jimmy buffett's why don't we get drunk and screw is the greatest song ever.

jimmy buffett is just cool

1:53 am
what i thought would be a boring night turned out to be a fairly interesting one.

i talked to a lot of neat people. it was the busiest im night i've had in months. for some reason i keep getting ims on yahoo...must be cuz i updated my profile.

i also went to eat with my roommate and the ever present chris. i also trimmed erin's bangs for her. tell her they look okay.

oh well. time to turn in, i'm exhaustered.

Friday, January 17th, 2003


10:35 pm
aw yeah. the people above me are going at it again.

-rolls eyes-

i don't know how two people can be so frickin loud all the time.

also, if one more person bangs on our front door in the next week i will kill them. kill. kill. kill. some people need to learn how to fscking knock and not bang on the goddamn door at 8 fscking am! GRR!

Thursday, January 16th, 2003

7:30 pm
I had to spend a lot of time trying to climb the mountain before I learned to sit at its base and just enjoy looking at it.
Wil Wheaton

4:25 pm
i think i have a sinus infection.

but now i don't have insurance nor a doctor at the health center.

so i am kind of fucked.

first i am gonna clean my room and stuff and make sure there is no mold that i don't know about. highly allergic and all.

then, if that isn't it...

i am still fucked.

Wednesday, January 15th, 2003

1:50 am
ah. it's good to be home.

except for that dead body smell when i walked in the door. eck. i nearly passed out. but it was all fixed with a lil of that carpet spray stuffs.

i love my internet connection.

oh and i -finally- got john's anit xmas card! :) !!! an actual note from john. that is like...-clutches chest- sorry had a momentary cardiac infarction.

that is all. carry on.

before & after